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Got a creative hobby? Should that also read a messy hobby? If the answer is ‘yes’ then could be time to invest in a wonderful new garden studio. With so many creative past times coming with a lot of paraphernalia, the garden studio is the perfect way to separate life and mess, while also giving you the perfect haven to escape to and enjoy doing what you love. 

However, with decades of experience designing and hand-crafting stunning garden studios, we know that even a dedicated space can be hard to keep organised. So, from arts to crafts and everything in between, here are our top garden studio storage solutions for keeping your creative space, creative.

A wooden house with large glass doors, surrounded by a garden studio filled with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, offers ample storage solutions under a clear sky.

Plan to maximise your creative space

Be smart when it comes to picking the fixtures and fittings of your new garden studio. 

  • Concealed garden studio underfloor heating (fitted as standard in all Eden Classics) is a great way to save on wall space while keeping your garden studio cosy all-year-around
  • Freshly painted white plastered walls will give the space a beautiful home-from-home feel while also giving your garden studio a real sense of space. The bright white reflects natural light, giving you the illusion of a bigger room
  • Speaking of light. You’ll be able to maximise the amount of natural light entering your garden studio by adding large windows or even patio doors, in either sliders or bifold. These all come with a ‘Secure by Design’ guarantee and are fitted with residential standard locks for that extra peace of mind. Treat yourself to some bespoke fitted blinds to add privacy without adding the visual clutter of curtains
  • With the potential clutter of lots of creative hobbies, Design your garden studio to include at least one uninterrupted wall which you can earmark for storage. Which leads us neatly onto the next section…  

Organising your Garden Studio space into zones

Dividing your garden studio into clearly separated zonal areas is a great way to stop your creative equipment from simply taking over the space. 

  • Is there such a thing as too much storage? Nope! And a creative garden studio is no exception. If you can spare it, we recommend you dedicate an entire wall to storage (ideally concealed behind doors). Ikea are the masters of affordable modular wall storage solutions offering styles to suit every taste.
  • A designated chillout spot. Be it a full-sized sofa or a cosy armchair, give yourself a space in your garden studio to sit back and relax. You’ll find the creative juices flow when you give yourself time to pause and think quietly, read, or listen to music. Add a small circular rug underneath to visually define the area
  • The size and set up of your creative or ‘messy’ zone will depend greatly on what you do but all will usually focus around a desk, some of which might dominate the space. For example, if your garden studio is to be used for sewing, art, crafts, or even photography, you could consider a large craft desk with built in storage underneath. If you’re into design, or digital music making then you may want a more compact desk that makes use of the wall space above to store your books and any inspiration. If you’re a musician or writer, then perhaps you will want something simple and traditional, as it’s possible the desk isn’t the main focus of the room for you. 

Whatever you choose, make a point of styling the room to complement your desk. Light coloured furniture will blend more easily with the surroundings, helping a hefty desk disappear. However, if you go for something like natural wood then make sure you add some other natural finishing touches, even if it’s just a friendly pot plant to help marry the space and keep things feeling cool and stylish rather than cluttered and chaotic.  

A person is adjusting an item on the shelves in one image and closing window blinds with a remote control device in the other, showcasing their organized Garden Studio. A shelf with neatly arranged decor items is visible in the background.

Smart ideas to make better use of your creative space

From hanging organisers on the backs of doors to under-seat storage, there are plenty of neat little tricks out there to keep your beautiful garden studio looking beautiful. 

Vertical storage

Keep floor space clear with these lofty ideas: 

  • Make a garden studio statement with a few stylish single wall hooks 
  • Alternatively, go old school with these cute cloak room hooks
  • Add to the effect with these baskets designed to hang. While they will be handy for your creative supplies, these will look great too 
  • If arts and crafts is your thing you’ll find a good set of pigeon hole shelves will work a treat for your paper and art supply storage
  • Even better still, take inspiration from the DIYers and invest in a set of wall-mounted mini storage boxes for your garden studio to store all your fiddly little craft supplies. Perfect for everything from fabric pens to Moshi tapes. 
  • Simple and practical, don’t miss an inch by investing in some storage for the back of your door 
  • Not forgetting the musicians out there. These guitar hangers are a smart way to give you more floor space to move around. They also make a stylish wall feature, which can double up as handy storage

Cool storage

Whether you store these neatly on the floor or on shelves, it’s worth investing in storage solutions that will enhance the beauty of your garden room. All of these are a cut above your bog-standard plastic boxes:

  • Tidy up while adding a sense of style to your garden studio with some big, but beautifully neat storage baskets 
  • Colourful and cool, storage boxes that stack can still look stylish 
  • Of course, you might not want to keep everything in one place all the time, so how about an attractive, yet movable storage solution
  • Inspired by our favourite bar design, why not consider adapting this stunning ceiling storage solution to add a gorgeous finish to your ready to use garden studio. 

Split-studio storage

  • Why not keep your creative space completely clear of clutter by having a storage room tagged on to your garden studio? With the option to fit 2- and even 3-room garden studios, you could make space for all your essential kit without it encroaching on your creative area. The separate storage rooms come fitted with the same high-grade insulation as the main room and are hand crafted in the same quality materials. This is to ensure that your extended garden studio is every bit as attractive, hard wearing and protected from the elements as the 1-room equivalent. 

There you have some of our top tips on how to keep your garden studio organised, so it looks every bit as stunning on day 366, and beyond, as it does on day one. Need any more advice on how to plan and build the ideas garden studio?

Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our expert design team would love to help.

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